Saturday 12 May 2012

My Mothers Day Present - Vintage Board Game

Well not many mothers would be impressed with their Mothers Day present being purchased from the local Op Shop. However I'm an extraordinary mother with a passion for vintage.  My latest collecting streak has me collecting (hoarding) Vintage Board Games.  Im not really sure what started the obsession but I've now got over 60 board games and counting.

Today my gift was the board game -
 Where in Time is CARMEN SANDIEGO.

For sure Im excited!!!!!  This board game was made in 1996, so not quite so vintage but will happily add it to my collection anyhow.  My boys thought they had done real well op shopping, and I will give them full credit for their $5 purchase.  Bargain hunters - love it.

The basics of this game is to find where in time Carmen Sandiego is hiding. To get the full info on  Carmen Sandiego  check out:

The all important board!!!!!!!!

The Contents - Complete - Bonus : }

The Instructions!

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